Signers of the Declaration of Independence, from oldest to youngest, based on their age in 1776

Franklin, Benjamin 70 PA
Hopkins, Stephen 69 RI
Hart, John 65 NJ
Lewis, Francis 63 NY
Thornton, Matthew 62 NH
Livingston, Philip 60 NY
Taylor, George 60 PA
Smith, James 57 PA
Sherman, Roger 55 CT
Adams, Samuel 53 MA
Witherspoon, John 53 NJ
Hall, Lyman 52 GA
Morton, John 52 PA
Clark, Abraham 50 NJ
Harrison, Benjamin 50 VA
Morris, Lewis 50 NY
Wythe, George 50 VA
Wolcott, Oliver 49 CT
Ellery, William 48 RI
Rodney, Caesar 47 DE
Bartlett, Josiah 46 NH
Hewes, Joseph 46 NC
Ross, George 46 PA
Whipple, William 46 NH
Huntington, Samuel 45 CT
Paine, Robert Treat 45 MA
Stockton, Richard 45 NJ
Williams, William 45 CT
Lee, Richard Henry 44 VA
McKean, Thomas 42 DE
Morris, Robert 42 PA
Read, George 42 DE
Floyd, William 41 NY
Gwinnett, Button 41 GA
Lee, Francis Lightfoot 41 VA
Adams, John
40 MA
Hancock, John 40 MA
Braxton, Carter 39 VA
Carroll, Charles of Carrollton   38 MD
Hopkinson, Francis 38 NJ
Clymer, George 37 PA
Nelson Jr., Thomas 37 VA
Penn, John 36 NC
Chase, Samuel 35 MD
Paca, William 35 MD
Walton, George 35 GA
Hooper, William 34 NC
Middleton, Arthur 34 SC
Jefferson, Thomas 33 VA
Stone, Thomas 33 MD
Wilson, James 33 PA
Gerry, Elbridge 32 MA
Heyward Jr., Thomas 30 SC
Rush, Benjamin Dr. 30 PA
Lynch Jr., Thomas 26 SC
Rutledge, Edward 26 SC

Breakdown by age in 1776:

Under 30 2
30 - 39 17
40 - 49 20
50 - 59 10
60 and above 7


Source: National Archives  
Sources cited by the National Archives: American Council of Learned Societies. American National Biography. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999.
Who Was Who in America: Historical Volume 1607-1896. Chicago: The A.N. Marquis Company, 1963.



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