Tsongas Industrial History Center

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Who We Are

The Tsongas Industrial History Center is an education partnership between the University of Massachusetts Lowell Graduate School of Education and the National Park Service at Lowell National Historical Park. The Center facilitates hands-on learning of industrial history and related science and engineering content through on- and off-site educational programs for over 50,000 students and educators annually.


What We Offer

The Tsongas Industrial History Center offers unique education programs that incorporate hands-on activities and the authentic resources of Lowell National Historical Park. Students and faculty alike learn through engaging in activities such as hand weaving, working on a simulated assembly line, “becoming” Lowell’s immigrants, using the engineering design process, experimenting with water power, and examining Merrimack River water (sometimes using a Park boat) to study the environmental impacts of industrialization. UMass Lowell students engage with the TIHC through co-ops and service-learning internships as part of their coursework, and faculty partner with TIHC staff on research grants in a wide variety of disciplines.


Our Mission Statement:

The mission of the Tsongas Industrial History Center is to inspire connections with and understandings about America’s industrial past, present, and future through experiential learning using Lowell’s unique resources.