Goschenhoppen Historians Henry Antes Plantation
The Antes Plantation consists of the Henry Antes House and the adjacent grounds. The Antes House is located in the township of Upper Frederick, PA, and is also the Historic House Museum of the the Goschenhoppen Historians, Inc.
Designed and built by Henry Antes in 1736, this massive stone building is an excellent example of Germanic settlement houses. Two and one half centuries after its construction, the building is remarkably well preserved.
With its steep roof containing two floors in the attic, three room floor plan and massive internal fireplace, this pre-1760s house preserves rare evidence of early cultural traditions in the settlement of the colonies.
The house was also the site of frequent evangelical and political meetings held to promote understanding among colonists of different religion, culture and race. The Moravian school established here is recognized as one of the first interracial nonsectarian schools in the state of Pennsylvania.