Handel and Haydn Choral Concert

    Improve listing Presented by

The Handel and Haydn Youth Choruses (HHYC) Ambassador Ensemble will perform a variety of choral music including classic works by Haydn and Mozart, new works by Rosephanye Powell and Andre Thomas, and some Irish folksongs for the season. 

The performance is a benefit for Dedham Museum & Archive and will be held in the First Church & Parish, to maximize the sounds of the performers' voices. 

Tickets are $15 per person. Purchase through the museum's website: https://www.dedhammuseum.org/special-events/handel-and-haydn-ambassador-ensemble-performance/

The HHYC Ambassador Ensemble (grades 7-12) is for singers who are passionate about building community through collaborative performance. The singers in this ensemble are members of the High School Soloist program and/or are HHYC leaders.

Andrew Milne, conductor and HHYC alumnus
Leona Cheung, collaborative pianist


  • Achieved is the Glorious Work - from Creation - Haydn
  • Ave Verum Corpus - Mozart
  • Soloist performances
  • Non Nobis, Domine - Rosephanye Powell
  • That Lonesome Road - James Taylor/arr. Kirby Shaw
  • I Dream a World - Andre Thomas
  • Shine the Light - Raymond Wise
  • Soloist performance(s)
  • Molly Malone
  • Hi! Ho! The Rattlin' Bog