Civil War Book Club
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Presented by
Washington State History Museum
"Breaking Chains"
Read each of the selected works and join the author for a special presentation on the readings. This is a wonderful opportunity to talk directly with the story tellers. Purchase the book ahead of time in our Museum Store and come prepared with for discussion. See the covers of the books at the right of this page.
January 25: "Free Boy: A True Story of Slave and Master" by Lorraine McConaghy*, Civil War historian and curator of the Civil War Pathways in the Northwest exhibit at the History Museum
February 22: "Breaking Chains. Slavery on Trial in the Oregon Territory" by Gregory Nokes, author and retired Associated Press reporter
March 15: "Wilderness" by Lance Weller, Washington native and award-winning author
All books for the Civil War Book Club will be available for purchase in the Museum Store.