After The Mayflower: A Struggling Colony Expands, 1621 1623
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Presented by
Alden Kindred of America
Join Pilgrim historian and author Becket Soule for a virtual talk about four ships that followed Mayflower, bringing new passengers to the struggling Plymouth Colony.
Sponsored by the Alden Kindred of America, this presentation will consider the always fascinating, often inspiring, and occasionally tragic, stories about these four follow-on vessels and those who embarked on them and how they brought distinctive change to the infant Plimoth Plantation.
The Revd. Dr. W. Becket Soule is a scholar, professor, and priest, currently serving as the pastor of St. Margaret of Scotland Catholic Church in North Carolina. A descendant of several Pilgrim families, he is on the board of numerous Mayflower groups and is an editor for the Mayflower Silver Book series.
The Alden Kindred owns and operates Alden House Historic Site, the former homestead of Mayflower passengers John and Priscilla Alden and generations of their descendants. (Image of Fortune is courtesy Jeremy Bangs; all rights reserved.)